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About Me

Stephanie Reiley

I haved loved telling stories since childhood.

I blame my love of stories and storytelling on spending most of my elementary school years in my school library.  I was a bright kid who was easily bored with school assignments.  When I was done with my work I had a tendency to pester the kids around me.  As a result, as soon as my work was done I was usually sent to the school library to "entertain myself".   I quickly learned that so long as I didn't pester the librarians I could usually spend the rest of the day lost in whatever book held my interest that day.  (Teachers frequently "forgot" to recall me when the next subject started.)

I suppose it's not surprising that I started writing my own stories while still in school.  In my early 20's I sold my first book, Lord of Misrule, to Harper Paperbacks.  That book went on to win the Golden Heart Award for Single Title Historical that year.  It felt like an auspicious start to a writing career but I very quickly started to chafe under the constraints of what traditional publishing considered "marketable".

I packed up my dreams of publishing more books for many years and only returned to writing fiction again when the stories in my head longing to be told became too loud to ignore.  I'm back at it once again.  Only now my stories are about women in mid to late life who are at crossroads.  My characters are in the midst of deciding who they truly are and what is important to them.  I write the kind of books I, as a late in life mother of 52, want to read myself.

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